Our Christmas tree ornaments, importance of shapes

Die Bedeutung der Glasformen - der figürliche Christbaumschmuck:

The majority of us still produced glass forms come from the time of the so-called “golden years” of Christmas tree ornaments production (1870 to 1920). They too are closely with nature, the wishes and desires of the people connected:
Christmas tree decoration made of glass glass balls
Glass balls: such as the apple as a sign of paradise for the infinity. They are round and have no beginning and no end.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass glass bells
Glass bells: ringing for the “Holy Night” and welcome the new year
Christmas tree decoration made of glass icsicle
Icsicle: are the symbol of winter.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass sun & soon
Sun & Moon: stand for the belief in fate Sun: time of the solstice = new moon: the ghosts maker of winter weather, which calms should be.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass Santa Claus
Santa Claus: from the children eagerly await and he bringing gifts, but also feared as castigator.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass Angel
Angel: the most important figure - patron saint and guardian angel that everyone needs.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass Dwarf & Goblin
Dwarf & Goblin: figures from the fairytale fantasy world that everyone knows from his childhood, industrious and mystical craftsmen that we would have everyone like.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass Dog & Cat
Dog & Cat: The dog is the best friend of man and his protector. The cat is companion lovingly and usefull but also always a bit mystical.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass teddy bears
Teddy bears: is sign of strength, the man should never leave the strength, because the men were the breadwinner and protector of the family, with their power for and strength necessary, responsible for survival, especially in severe winter.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass birds
Birds: are for nature and birds on the Christmas tree should migratory birds zurücklocken so that the spring returns. Birds in cage stand for domesticity. The bird couple on a ball is the wish that the partnership holds a lifetime. Formerly here in the region the man as glassblower was very important. The women and children grafted the fragile items made of glass. The owl is the symbol of knowledge and wisdom, and was traditionally seen as magical animal venerated.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass Toys
Toys: dolls, drums, roundabout, cars all the things recall us of a beautiful and carefree childhood.
Christmas tree decoration made of glass Fruits
stand for wealth in the nature and established is already as glass fruit for the hat and jewelry industry.
... Nuts are hard, closed, enigmatic
.. Fir cones are a symbol of fertility
.. Mushrooms with red cap and white points stand for happiness
.. Applesare available for the summer, the red color for Rubin. Apples on Christmas tree recall to the paradise and a Christmas such as in paradise.